Living counter
culturally in small and apparently boring ways is an
extremely powerful way of life.
If in every town, once a month for one hour, every Catholic Lay person, Religious, Priests, Bishops and everyone in the area, stood outside a local abortion clinic and prayed the Rosary- what a radical change would come about! No one could overlook the issue and seeing a thousand people praying outside a place of death would force everyone who saw them or heard about them, to get off the fence and make a choice on what they
believed on this profound moral issue.
But a handful of
ordinary individuals doing the same thing
are much more easily mocked and ignored and so change doesn't take place or until God, perhaps getting fed up with inaction decides to intervene. I can't help thinking that I'd rather be one of a big group being
obedient to God, than waiting for God to intervene- which would be a lot more frightening and asking why we didn't act ourselves.